The Bulloch County Parks & Recreation Department (BCRP) is now accepting applications for its Counselors in Training Program for youth ages 13 to 15 (as of June 1, 2024). The program provides young teens, who are too old to attend a day camp program and not old enough to be a paid BCRP counselor, the opportunity to develop the social, physical, emotional and mental skills necessary to become a possible Youth Program Counselor and volunteer when they are older. Participants assist in all-day camp activities as well as complete at least three weeks of volunteer time at participating organizations.

Deadline for application: May 1, 2024

Application: CIT application 2024

If you or someone you know is interested in this program, these are the requirements:

Complete the full application (attached above or available at BCRP).

Complete 2-3 training days; Summer Program Staff Training & Orientation and any organizational meetings.

Go through interview process with camp counselors.

Demonstrate enthusiasm and competency

The main objective of CIT program is to offer an educational and recreational alternative for middle and high school youth and develop exceptional future counselors and activity specialists for the BCRP’s current and future programs. For more information, contact Justin Smith at (912) 489-9056 or