Each season, we release an BCRP Recreation Guide with a complete listing of our program offerings..this guide is available here:
Spring 2025 Recreation Guide – updated 2/19/25
Welcome to the Registration Page—where you can find all the info about BCRP Registration dates!
- Registration is held at the Honey Bowen Building Monday – Friday, 8:00 am -5:00 pm. or online at this website. You will have to create a new account as we are changing over to a new system.
Where do I register?
- You can always register at the Honey Bowen Building located at 1 Max Lockwood Drive in Statesboro. You can also choose to register online.
- UPDATED – 11/8/24: MyRec (our registration software, in person and online) required an update to the way credit card transactions are processed. The update is designed to enhance security for both customers and merchants. To help with the process, the address entered on the billing screen MUST be an exact match with the address in the issuing bank’s file. If it does not match, your transaction will be declined.
- What are your registration policies?
Refunds will not be issued for withdrawal from a program that meets the minimum enrollment requirements set by the department, except in the following cases: Cancellation by the registrant prior to one week before the program starts will result in a full refund. Cancellation by registrant one week or less prior to the program starting date will result in a full refund minus a $3.00 service charge. NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN AFTER A PROGRAM HAS STARTED.
All the participants living outside of Bulloch County registering for programs will be required to pay an additional $10.00 out-of-county fee for each activity, each season or month.
It is the policy of the parks and recreation department that no child be denied access to basic recreation services because of inability to pay. The department will consider fee waiver requests based on a family’s present financial status.
Parents/Guardians must complete the recreation scholarship request forms, provide the required support documentation, and pay the reduced registration fee (if approved) during registration dates at the Honey Bowen Building. No exceptions.
Fee waiver requests will be taken for youth, ages 0 –17 years of age, for all recreation services.
The Bulloch County Recreation and Parks Department does not discriminate against race, gender, religion, or national origin.
Please click here for all information in regard to how this program is funded for our athletic programs.
What kind of payments do you accept?
- We accept cash, checks, money orders, Visa/Mastercard/Discover/American Express