Santa will be sending letters and making phones calls to Bulloch County boys and girls to find out their holiday requests!
Phone calls will be made December 9th – 11th, 2024.
Children ages 4 to 7 can either receive a personal letter from Santa or a personal phone call. This is an exciting way to begin your child’s holiday season.
Deadline is December 4, 2024. Any forms received after this date will automatically receive a letter.
If you would like to complete the form please select the Santa Calling Form 2024! The form can be completed and emailed to mail@bullochrec.com or you can drop off at the Honey Bowen Building located at 1 Max Lockwood Drive. Forms may also be mailed to: Attn: Santa PO Box 408, Statesboro, GA 30459.
Volunteers Needed! If you or your organization is interested in volunteering for Santa’s Calling – contact Meghan Bozeman at 912-764-5637.