3.24 Soccer Standings

Bulloch County Recreation and Parks Spring 2025 Soccer Schedule-A

Bulloch County Recreation and Parks Soccer League Announcement.

The Bulloch County Recreation and Parks Department is excited to announce the return of our Adult Soccer League.

Registration will run Dec 2 nd – January 29th, 2025.  Managers can sign their team up by contacting Gage Byram.

  1. Team Entry Fee is TBD per team and will be determined once registration is complete.
  2. Games will be held at Mill Creek Regional Park Field 16 and the season will start January 26th.
  3. All regular season games can end in a tie. Tournament games ending in a tie after regulation play ends will have one 15-minute overtime period.  If a tie still exists after the overtime period teams will then go to penalty kicks.
  4. Teams will receive 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss.
  5. Recommendations are to play 11 vs 11. Field dimensions will be 100 yd by 60 yd.
  6. Teams have until the last regular season game to add players to their roster.
  7. Game time is forfeit time. Teams with missing players can start with at least 8 players. Players that show up after the game has started will be allowed to join the game up until the end of the first half. Teams must start the second half with the number of players that were in the game at the end of the first half. Players that arrive after the end of the first half can participate, but only as a substitute for another player.
  8. If a team does not have at least 8 players, the opposing team will have the opportunity to take the forfeit or wait. If the team wants to wait, the clock will start.
  9. There are no restrictions on the number of substitutions on any single player or teams during the game.
  10. All players must be 18 or older to participate.
  11. Players who do not have a team are able to join free agent pool by contacting Gage Byram at 912-489-9054 or by emailing gbyram@bullochrec.com.

If interested, please contact Gage Byram at 912-489-9054 or by emailing gbyram@bullochrec.com.